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3 Best Intrapreneurship Examples That Blow Your Mind

3 Best Intrapreneurship Examples That Blow Your Mind

3 Best Intrapreneurship Examples That Blow Your Mind

Have their own ideas to solve people’s problems but cannot have the confidence to start them in an impactful way. Don’t worry, you will become an intrapreneur with your organization.

In this blog article, I will share with you the definition of intrapreneurship, intrapreneurship examples, how to become an intrapreneur, and the characteristics of intrapreneurship. Go through the blog to know more

Table of Content

  • What is Intrapreneurship?
  • Intrapreneurship Examples
  • How to Become an Intrapreneur?
  • Characteristics of Intrapreneurship
  • Conclusion

What is Intrapreneurship?

Intrapreneurship is defined as a person who has an idea about a successful startup and sells it to the other company and works as the employee on his idea or project. These types of persons are known as Intrapreneurs.

If you want to become an intrapreneur structure your idea in a good manner and pitch it with the existing domain company.

If you did that in the proper way the company invest in your idea and you will become a valuable employee for that company.

Intrapreneurship Examples

There are a lot of intrapreneurs in the world but here are the best 3 examples I knew,

Sundar Pichai – The Chrome browser was a wonderful idea executed by Sundar Pichai. In the mid-2000 browsers plays a vital role among internet users.

A lot of people need a faster browser to get results quickly, so Google decided to create a web browser to solve internet users’ issues.

Sundar Pichai was already leading product management for Google’s suite of web applications so Larry Page and Sergey Brin believes in Sundar Pichai and arrange a team to work on this project.

From a garage to $1.6 trillion was the overall company value of Google.

Paul Buchheit – Paul Buchheit was a programmed Gmail for Google. In early 2000 google was initially known as a search engine so he found a space to create an email application and did it.

Based on his idea he and his team created and provide more storage capacity within the free account and working faster than other email providers.

This offer helps Gmail to grow faster rate than other email providers.

Spencer Silver – Spencer Silver a chemist at 3M, created a weak adhesive that stuck to the surface but could easily be removed without leaving residue.

But Silver thought it was not successful, but Art Fry another employee at 3M recognize its potential, so he used adhesive to create small sticky notes that could be used for temporary notes and reminders.

Finally, that product became a successful product for 3M and generate more revenue for the company.

How to Become an Intrapreneur?

  1. Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset – Even if you work at a company, you are creating a new product that is helpful for people. If you did this you are an entrepreneur, so improve your entrepreneurial skills to upgrade yourself.
  2. Understand your organization – Your idea must fall under your organization’s domain, for example, if you are working in an AI-related organization then your idea must come under the AI-related domain.
  3. Identify Opportunities – Your organization or the people using your organization may face some problems, try to find the problem, and make solutions for that. Like Paul Buchheit, he found a space to create Gmail and succeed in it.
  4. Research and validate the ideas – Do proper research about the idea and the market potential it has, because a good working product without users is a failure. So, do well research before working on the project.
  5. Pitch the Idea in your Organization – If your idea has a good market potential create an attractive presentation before your organization members to develop the idea into a product.
  6. Build a team to work on the project – Building something with a great team makes the product better 10 times than doing it alone. So, build a passionate team to make it better.
  7. Execute and Iterate – Start making a solution for the idea you have and test it multiple times to make the product with a smaller number of errors. Do multiple iterations before launching your product to the customers.
  8. Overcome Challenges – After launching your product customers tell a lot of bugs and drawbacks in your product, you need to find a better solution for that drawbacks and relaunch it with a good product in the market.

Characteristics of Intrapreneur

The following skills are required if you want to become a successful intrapreneur,

  1. Innovative Thinking
  2. Risk Taking
  3. Passion and Drive
  4. Adaptability
  5. Team Management
  6. Problem-solving skills
  7. Communication
  8. Continuous learning


In conclusion, being an Intrapreneur will be interesting to feed your brain with multiple ideas and work on good projects or product development to upgrade your skills.

I hope you love this blog article; I wish you will become the next intrapreneurial example for next-generation entrepreneurs. Thank you for reading our blog, see you with the next interesting entrepreneurial blog.


  1. How to Become an Intrapreneur by Elmhurst University
  2. What is an Intrapreneurship: Definition, Examples and more by Coursera
  3. 8 Key Characteristics of Successful Intrapreneurs

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