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The Edge Difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

The Edge Difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

The Key Difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship


Nowadays, young people like you desire to launch their own startup or business. That was the most joyful gift we received.

According to an article published on on February 8th, 2023, there were 445 startups in 2016 and 86,713 startups in 2023.

Even so, more young people are prepared to join these new Entrepreneur clubs. However, young people want to understand the distinction between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship before entering the entrepreneur’s club.

Difference Between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship is a skill that possesses a variety of interrelated qualities, such as problem-solving, leadership, critical thinking, and creativity. A person with entrepreneurship skills is referred to as an entrepreneur.


The Edge Difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship
The Edge Difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship


The above definition is the only key difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship. Nothing more complex between these terms.

Entrepreneur word refers to a person and Entrepreneurship refers to a skill.

Real-time Example

If you have an idea to start a tea shop, then you want to start the process by finding the right place to connect with the right audience, thinking about the capital, designing your shop structure, and plans to attract customers (marketing strategies), and all the other kind of kinds of stuff are done initially by yourself. These kinds of activities and skills are known as entrepreneurial skills.

The person who does all the activities is an entrepreneur. I mean you have done all the activities for your business so you are an entrepreneur.


I hope the content The Edge Difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship was really helpful for you. There is not a big difference between these terms.

Most of the blogs are complex these terms that’s why I wrote this blog to make you understand simple and effective ways.

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